Saturday, January 16, 2010

My First Month

Sebastian's first month has been a month of great firsts. I don't know where to begin.

Besides his first Christmas, New Year's and car ride home from hospital it seems everyday there is something new and exciting Sebastian experiences for the first time. Since I can't cover everything, I'll just touch on some of the highlights.

I'll start with his first bath (sorry, no photos because the camera man's equipment was rained on during the process). I put the tub in the kitchen sink, watched a YouTube video on what to do and off we went.

The bath leads me to his next first, his first Mohawk. I let his hair airdry after the bath not knowing what to expect. After staring at the little man for a few minutes I realized his hair made its way into a cute little mohawk.

There was his first game day with his dad which was a lot fun and gave his mom a break. And also all the fun times with everyone who has come to visit him for the first time (thank you so much).

We also heard his first baby coo, make bubble noises, grabbing onto anything he can, growing out of his newborn clothes, overcome a bad case of infant acne, poop & pee through hundreds of diapers and projectile vomit - all over me of course.

1 comment:

  1. Melia sports the mohawk too!! He's so cute - I can't wait to meet him.
